AI / ML for Scope 3 emissions accounting - why?

As the global community intensifies its focus on combating climate change, there's a growing recognition that addressing Scope 3 emissions is as vital as managing Scopes 1 and 2. Scope 3 emissions, representing indirect emissions along a company's value chain, often constitute the largest portion of a company's carbon footprint. In fact, for many businesses, Scope 3 emissions account for more than 70% of their carbon footprint. The ability to measure, manage, and mitigate these emissions is crucial for genuine sustainability efforts.
Identify Hotspots

While there is a common understanding that among the GHG protocol categories, '3.1 Purchased goods & services' and '3.11 Use of sold products' are the two main Scope 3 emission hotspots, the relevance of categories can vary by industry. It is essential to comprehensively account for emissions to identify & address the hotspots.

Value Chain Connect

Collaborate with suppliers and other value chain partners using technology. Software solutions like GreenDash can facilitate the streamlining of data sharing, setting emission reduction targets, and fostering a unified approach to sustainability across the supply chain, nurturing a culture of shared responsibility for emissions reduction.

Mitigate Risks

Insights derived from Scope 3 emissions data empower companies to make strategic decisions. The SHR platform uses AI / ML to continuously learn and adapt based on data evolution. This iterative learning process refines the emission measurement models over time, minimizing reputational risk as well as regulatory risk from misreporting.

Disclose with Data

89% of investors take ESG issues into account as part of their investment strategy. Inaccurate carbon reporting is now resulting in class action suits from investors (1,2). For a large BFSI client, the SHR platform improved access to capital by 20x (70Mn to 1.4Bn) by visualising sustainability data for investors through shareable dashboards.

Exceed Expectations

In order to balance business performance with sustainability performance, businesses must measure their impact, across all scopes continuously. The SHR platform deploys predictive capabilities to forecast future emissions scenarios and models what-if scenarios based on changes in supply chain dynamics, market conditions, or operations.

Set & Meet Targets

Assess the maturity of your value chain partners using our proprietary models as a starting point. Our platform also helps in modeling for setting and achieving SBTi targets including absolute reduction and intensity based SBTi targets for Scope 3. Learn more about how GreenDash helped a real estate client with tracking to SBTi targets.


Plug monthly supplier data into your Scope 3 calculations

Scope 3 emissions are incredibly hard to quantify as-is but with supplier data coming at different times, referencing different assumptions and corresponding to different categories, it becomes harder. We have a solution that can help automate it all.

Supplier Data Automations
Make it super easy for partners by automating their data
Distributed Access in Vendor Company
Let suppliers delegate access to multiple people internally
Email Summary of Performance
Suppliers get notified monthly for data coverage & more!

Make Supplier Investments in Sustainability Count

When supply chain partners invest in sustainability, customers are unable to show the reduced emissions in their own carbon accounting due to static emissions factors that are used across the board. Use our intelligent DynamicEmissions solution to connect supplier disclosures with financial performance & mitigate risks before they erode your capital or risk your reputation.

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